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Our Mission

Improving Lives by Modernizing and Securing Critical Infrastructure

The First and Only Think Tank Focused Exclusively on Critical Infrastructure

The Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)3 think tank with the mission of modernizing, securing, and making resilient critical infrastructure that provides for people’s foundational needs. ICIT takes no institutional positions on policy matters. Rather than advocate, ICIT is dedicated to being a resource for the organizations and communities that share our mission.


Founded in late 2014, the Institute’s work  has earned the trust and respect of the nation’s most influential institutions and serves a diverse community of technology, policy, and business leaders. By applying a people-centric lens to critical infrastructure research and decision making, our work ensures that modernization and security investments have a lasting, positive impact on society.

Helping Owner-Operators and Governments Succeed

Democracy is strengthened when diverse groups of public and private sector leaders work together to improve lives. ICIT programs convene experts to develop implementable solutions and strategies that address some of the most consequential challenges of our time:


  • Infrastructure – Building and deploying resilient critical infrastructures in the context of providing life-sustaining services to people and communities.


  • Technology – Demystifying and operationalizing linchpin technologies that are foundational to critical infrastructures.


  • Security – Strengthening critical infrastructures through technical and non-technical controls and investments

Our Community

ICIT's strengths comes from our community of experts, donors, and partners whose generosity make our work possilble.

Experts & Partners

Partners in Resilience

Strategic Partners

"My participation with ICIT has been one of the most impactful things I have done to educate and influence not only the public but the legislature regarding cyber risks and better ways to manage and mitigate those risks. The mission and values of ICIT align with my personal perspectives and I am proud to be a fellow with the institute."

Malcolm Harkins

Fellow, ICIT and Chief Security and Trust Officer, Hidden Layer

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