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ICIT Fellow Perspective - Privacy Law for Security Professionals

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

In continued support of our mission to cultivate a cybersecurity renaissance that will improve the resiliency of our nation’s 16 critical infrastructure sectors, defend our democratic institutions, and empower generations of cybersecurity leaders, ICIT asked some of the brightest minds in national security, cybersecurity, and technology to author essays communicating their perspective. Our goal is to share their knowledge and insights with our community to shed light on solutions to the technology, policy, and human challenges facing the cybersecurity community. Our hope is that their words will motivate, educate, and inspire you to take on the challenges facing your organizations.

Essay Authored by Kirk J. Nahra, ICIT Fellow and Partner, WilmerHale

Security existed as a business norm long before it became a legal and compliance requirement. Doctors' offices locked their doors at night to ensure no one could access their records. Stores took precautions when they walked the daily cash receipts to the bank. Now, it is enormously more complicated to guarantee data security, which is the physical and technological protection of both personal data and sensitive proprietary information. Appropriate best practices and legal requirements are growing every day, across all industries, and around the world. At the same time, in a somewhat parallel development that has slightly preceded data security as a legal obligation, companies all over the world now need to make sure they are following appropriate practices relating to how personal information is collected, used, and disclosed. This growing range of privacy obligations should be understood generally by information security professionals, and an effective partnership with company privacy officials is critical to the appropriate protection of companies, their employees, their customers, and any other individuals whose data is being collected by these companies. In this ICIT Fellow Perspective essay, Kirk Nahra (ICIT Fellow and Partner, WilmerHale) details:

  • The Key Principles in Modern Privacy Law

  • Which Privacy Laws are Most Important to the Security Community

  • How Privacy Law Applies to Security Professionals

  • How to Think About Vital Security Issues in the Context of Privacy Law

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